Property & Homeowners Data

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Our Property data & homeowners  database is one of the most comprehensive available. We have over 13 Million individual commercial property owners and 3.24 Million Single Family Home Owners. Depending on location, our data is updated on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. 

Our data can be used by local retailers or anyone business who offers products and services valuable for commercial property owners and homeowners. We help you to use our data and lists for much more than direct mail and email marketing. In today's digital world, it can be more effective to connect with your targeted audiences online and through social media.

IP Targeting is the digital equivalent of direct mail, only much more efficient. We take the direct mail strategy but deliver targeted messages as banner, native or video ads on visited websites. Use our mailing lists to reach targeted households online, across all devices.

Our data containing email and phone numbers can be used to reach the your target audiences on social media platforms- which can get much higher responses than email. Top platforms which our data can be used on is Facebook, Instagram, Google, and Twitter.  


COMMERCIAL Property Data 


Our National Commercial Property Database is County Tax Assessor based, and it includes over 7 million properties and 13 million property owners. We have complete data for 148,000 Apartment complexes (10+ units) in the U.S. and for over 3 million active Commercial Loans.

The Property Records all have the Site Postal Information as well as the Property Owners Mailing Information. Details such as these various Property Characteristics are available and searchable- as available. 

Our Commercial property owners lists are perfect for Commercial Real Estate Professionals and any company who offers products and services to building owners, such as: Roofing, Remodeling, Landscaping, Maintenance, Janitorial Services. 


new homeowner property data


We have a database of over 3.24 million sales for single family homes and condominiums throughout the country.  Our data can be provided on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Available qualifiers for filtering and purchase include: Mortgage Amount, Mortgage Length, Sales Price, Sales Data, Year Built, Square Feet, Lender Name, Rate Type, Loan Type. We can identify over 220,000 new homeowners in the U.S. who have purchased homes with swimming pools.  

New movers are actively looking for home service providers and new places to dine, shop, and receive healthcare.  This makes our accurate New Homer Owners list perfect for home improvement companies, restaurants, stores, doctors, dentists, furniture stores, appliance stores, window blind companies...or any local area businesses looking to get new customers before your competition does. And once someone buys from you the first time, they are 90% more likely to become a repeat customer!