Facebook geo-targeting for large audiences
Facebook is the worlds largest social network with over 2 billion active monthly users. When considering adults who use the internet, almost 75% of all Americans are on Facebook. On average, smartphone users check Facebook 13.8 times a day. And a recent study found that 52% of consumers are influenced by Facebook when making both online and offline purchases.
Facebook has one of the most powerful and sophisticated digital marketing platforms for reaching your targeted customers. In addition to being able to select demographic and behavioral (interests, activities, etc.), you can now select target audiences down to a 1-mile radius.
This makes it the ideal solution for reaching your target audiences at large events or places where people gather and are actively engaged on Facebook / Instagram for posting photo's and status updates. Examples include sporting events, racing events, outdoor consumer events, motorcycle rallys, concerts, trade shows and more.
Facebook audience Network (FAN)
Facebook established a mobile ad network that will take your Facebook News Feed ads and place them on other apps and mobile websites. They call it Facebook Audience Network (FAN). FAN lets brands extend their Facebook ad campaigns off of Facebook, using the same targeting categories. It is now the second biggest mobile ad network and the largest native mobile ad network today.
FAN allows you to reach Facebook users when they aren’t on Facebook. And because Facebook gathers data from third party websites and apps, FAN even allows you to reach non-Facebook members. Therefore FAN can significantly expand your campaign reach beyond Facebook, which makes it and ideal solution for small niche audiences.
By combining FAN with targeted geographical and behavioral categories we can reach the exact audiences you need to reach with your message. And 80% of Audience Network impressions are now native, which makes it a great for reaching your audience in a less intrusive way than traditional banner advertising.
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